Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Celeriac Pasta with Curried Cashews

I was in the mood for a really light dinner and chose celeriac as my base ingredient. Celeriac is a close relative of celery but looks more like a root vegetable with its knobby bottom. Picture something like a rutabaga with knobs at its base. Celeriac is very low in calories, is full of antioxidants, and has anti-cancer properties. It is also a good source of vitamin K, which is good for your bones. Celeriac is a very good source of many minerals, including phosphorous, iron, calcium, copper and manganese. It also contains some B vitamins, including pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, niacin, riboflavin, and thiamin. Lastly, it also has moderate amount of vitamin C. All that for so few calories.

I chose to keep it pretty clean. I was going for an Asian flavor, maybe inspired by the celeriac pasta looking like bean sprouts. Simple but flavorful, and I still have room for dessert. 

Celeriac Pasta with Curried Cashews:

1 large or 2 smaller celeriac roots spiralized or shaved
2 T. lemon juice
1 T. sesame oil
1 handful cilantro cut into pieces
1 red chili pepper cut thinly with your food scissors
sea salt

Toss all ingredients in a bowl.

Curried Cashews:

1/4 c. raw cashews
1/2 t. olive oil
1/4 t. curry powder
1/4 t. turmeric

Toss all ingredients in a small bowl, draining off any excess olive oil.

Toss cashews with pasta to complete the dish. Serves 1-2 depending on size of celeriac.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Kale and Carrot Salad

Here is a slightly spicy kale and carrot salad with a tahini dressing. It's easy to make and great for you. Kale is a high in calcium, vitamins A, C, and K, and iron. It is also low calorie and high fiber, a winning combination. Kale is full of antioxidants and is anti-inflammatory. Carrots are well known for their high beta-carotene properties, which can help fight off certain cancers. They are also high in vitamin A and rich in fiber. Foods high in vitamin A may support healthy vision. I added yellow bell pepper and red onion to round out the rainbow colors in this salad. I believe in eating a brightly colored diet to ensure the spectrum of nutrients found in different shades of vegetables. So here you have green, orange, yellow and purple. It's pretty much got it covered.

Kale and Carrot Salad:

1 bunch lucinato (also called dinosaur) kale
1 carrot spiralized
1 yellow bell pepper chopped
1/4 c. red onion chopped

1/2 c. raw organic tahini
1/2 c. water
juice of one lemon
3 T. olive oil
2 T. apple cider vinegar
2 T. white miso
1 T. black sesame powder
1/2 jalapeno
1 clove garlic
salt and pepper to taste

Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender. Add and toss dressing slowly in salad so you don't overdress the salad. I admit to liking a lot of dressing. Reserve leftover dressing as a dip for vegetables or use on a lettuce salad or as a dressing for kale chips. Serves 3-4.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Roy G. Biv Salad

I love the colors of this salad. Talk about a color wheel!  I also love the combining of fruit and vegetables in one dish. There's enough fruit in this salad to satisfy your dessert cravings. For me, it's super satisfying for that reason. It saves me a step.

Roy G. Biv Salad:

Spinach to fill a bowl
1/4 grapefruit sliced
1/2 orange sliced
1/2 c. raspberries
1/2 c. blueberries
1/2 avocado
1/2 mango
1/4 c. pickled red onions (in a combination apple-cider vinegar and beet juice brine)

Pile all ingredients into a big bowl.


1/4 c. olive oil
1/4 c. lemon juice (or less)
1 t. dijon mustard
1 t. thyme
sea salt to taste

Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender. Toss salad with dressing just before serving.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Orange Jubilee

I loved the taste of Orange Julius when I was a kid, but I hate to think of what was in it back then. I've renamed it to reflect the joy it gives me to taste this flavor again. I've made a few variations over the years, and maybe now I don't even remember what an Orange Julius really tasted like because I love my variations so much more. For me, it's the goldenberries that really kick it over the edge and give me the reminiscent flavor. I've posted a similar recipe before, but this one is relying on fresh squeezed orange juice I had on hand. It hits that sweet nostalgia spot.

Orange Jubilee:

2 c. fresh squeezed orange juice
1 c. coconut milk
1 c. shredded coconut
1 mango
1 T. goldenberry powder or 1/4 c. goldenberries
1 T. coconut butter
1 T. lacuma (optional)
1 t. vanilla bean seeds scraped from the vanilla bean
1 t. tumeric

Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender. This may take awhile because the shredded coconut takes awhile to liquefy. You could also use coconut meat from a young coconut, but these are harder to find than shredded coconut or coconut flakes. The shredded coconut gives it more texture, to be sure, but it will blend well eventually.

Serves 2.  I could easily drink this whole thing, but that much coconut at once probably isn't a good choice. I like my healthy fats, but everything within reason. So share this with someone whose day you want to brighten.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Avocado Pear Spinach Smoothie

This was inspired by a recipe in Everyday Raw Detox by Meredith Baird. It's pretty close to her recipe with only slight adjustments. Her recipe is a bit more savory while I went towards the slightly sweet.

Avocados are rich in healthy fats, but they also have other great benefits. They have twice the amount of potassium as a banana without all the sugar of the banana. They are a good source of fiber, Vitamin E, Vitamin B, and folic acid. All the 'lettered' vitamins are good antioxidants.  Folic acid may help prevent heart disease, depression, Alzheimer's, and type 2 diabetes.

Many of us grew up watching Popeye cartoons, which touted spinach as a good source of iron. This isn't really true. Spinach contains only about 4% iron. In contrast, it has about 56% Vitamin A, but we never heard that. Spinach has many beneficial properties, but iron isn't significantly one of them. It is rich in fiber, flavonoids (which help fight free radicals and may help prevent certain cancers), anti-inflammatory compounds, and anti-oxidants (Vitamins C, E, beta carotene, manganese, zinc, and selenium). Spinach may also help fight osteoporosis because most leafy greens are great sources of calcium. Spinach may additionally help fight atherosclerosis and high blood pressure. It is rich in lutein, which will help with vision loss. It's also a great immunity booster as well as being great for your skin and bones.

Fruit and vegetables in one smoothie. You almost have your daily recommended servings in this smoothie alone. And you definitely have a powerful combination of nutrients to serve you well through the day.

Avocado Pear Spinach Smoothie:

1 pear with core removed
1 avocado peeled and pitted
2 c. spinach
1 T. coconut butter
1 c. hazelnut milk
1 t. vanilla
1/4 t. spirulina (optional)
a pinch of stevia

Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender. Serves 1-2.

To make homemade hazelnut milk:

Soak one cup hazelnuts in filtered water for at least two hours to release the enzyme inhibitors in the nuts. Drain the nuts and discard this water. Blend the nuts with 4 cups filtered water in a high-speed blender. Strain the milk through a mesh bag or cheese cloth. (Use the pulp in cookies, if desired)

Monday, July 22, 2013

Beet Pasta with Cilantro Pistachios

Another light meal using beets as the base. I spiralized two smaller sized beets, and it made quite a lot.

Beets contain many minerals, including sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron and phosperous. They are also considered a fiber food and contain vitamins A and C as well as niacin, which is a B vitamin.  Beets contain folic acid which is necessary for the production and maintenance of new cells. This is especially important for pregnant woman or anyone undergoing physical healing. Studies have also shown that beets guard against cancer, especially colon cancer, as well as protecting the body against heart disease. You can't "beet" that. I know, I know, but I couldn't resist.

I used balsamic vinegar, which isn't raw, but I love the flavor with beets. The vinegar and nutmeg give the sauce a nice sweetness while the parsley gives it a more savory flavor.  I also used dehydrated papaya seeds mixed into my pepper mill for a surprise flavor.

Note: if using the pistachios, make them a few hours ahead of the salad because they require some dehydrating time. 

Beet Pasta with Cilantro Pistachios:

2 medium beets spiralized
Juice of 1 lemon
1 T. olive oil
pinch of sea salt

Toss ingredients in a bowl and set aside while making dressing.


1 c. parsley
1/4 olive oil
2 T. aged balsamic vinegar
1 t. rosemary
1 T. lemon juice
1 T. nutritional yeast
1/2 t. grated nutmeg
sea salt to taste
pepper using dried out papaya seeds mixed in with peppercorns

Blend all ingredients in a small food processor.

Toss the pasta with the dressing.

Cilantro Pistachios:

1 c. pistachios
 juice of one lime
 1/2 c. cilantro
1 t. jalapenos
sea salt to taste

Blend the lime juice, cilantro and jalapeno in a high speed blender. Toss the nuts in the mixture. Lay nuts on a Teflex lined dehydrator sheet. Sprinkle the nuts with sea salt. Dehydrate at 105 degrees for at least two hours. 

Finishing touch: Sprinkle the pistachios over the pasta and serve. Makes enough for two.

You can also line the bowl with a few lettuce leaves prior to spooning the pasta into the bowls. This will make the dish a little more colorful.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Strawberry Apple Mint Juice

This is a fresh summer juice full of color and flavor and health benefits. Perfect for these hot, humid days.

The phytonutrients in apples help control blood sugar. Apples contain quercetin, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Quercetin is used to treat many heart conditions as well as diabetes, hayfever, cataracts, and some cancers.

Strawberries are an amazing little fruit. So much packed into so little. They are a great source of antioxidants and help to reduce inflammation. Strawberries are a well known source of vitamin C, which is crucial for eye health, cancer prevention, and the production of collagen. Collagen is necessary for healthy, elastic skin. Who knew strawberries were nature's wrinkle fighter?

We all know mint is good for oral care and bad breath, as evidenced by all the mint flavored toothpastes and chewing gums on the market. But maybe you didn't know that mint is also good for respiratory ailments, including coughs, asthma, allergies and hay fever. As a natural stimulant, mint is good for depression and fatigue. In this same capacity it is used also for nausea and headaches. Lastly, mint is good for your skin, especially if you suffer from acne. It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, making it also good for bug bites or any other skin eruption. And you thought it just made your kisses sweet.

2 apples
1 c. strawberries
1 handful mint

Juice all ingredients. Garnish with mint leaf.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Raspberry Spinach Kiwi Smoothie

Pretty pure combination today. Nothing fancy thrown in. I'm including a picture of the ingredients because they looked so beautiful in the blender. Oh, those greens and reds together. Lovely. Once blended the color was lost but not the flavor. Who knew something that looks like mud could taste so good?

Raspberry Spinach Kiwi Smoothie:

1 c. raspberries
1 c. spinach
3 kiwi peeled
vanilla to taste

Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender. If you don't like tart, use only 2 kiwis. I like a drink that makes me pucker. You can also add more vanilla or a few dates to round out the tartness of the kiwi. Or add more raspberries. It's hard to go wrong with these ingredients.

I garnished with a lime slice and some goji berries to keep that red and green going. A few extra raspberries and a kiwi slice would be great, too.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Pineapple Pomegranate Smoothie

While traveling home in my old car with no air conditioning on a busy holiday weekend in ninety degree heat with all my windows open, I got hit pretty hard with some allergens. Stuff was in the air, the air quality was poor, and a sinus infection was the result after the four hour drive. So I needed some vitamin C among other things to help it move through me. I made this smoothie to boost the vitamin C and antioxidants in my morning smoothie.

Pineapple Pomegranate Smoothie:

fruit of one pineapple peeled
seeds of one pomegranate (or 1 frozen package of seeds)
1 lime peeled
1/4 t. camu powder (optional)

Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender. Serves 2-3.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Superfood Smoothie

This morning I needed a lift in energy, so I made this protein rich, antioxidant rich, power smoothie. I used a little of a lot of things. This recipe includes many superfoods, which pack a lot nutrients in a tiny wallop. Superfoods have a high nutrient density score, meaning that the ratio of micronutrients is high to the calories of the food, which is low. For instance, goji berries have few calories but more antioxidants for those calories than another food. ( A great cookbook for this sort of information is Superfood Cuisine by Julie Morris)

Now, a lot of food is called superfood that isn't, in my opinion. It'a a term being used broadly these days. Navitas Naturals is a line of superfoods you can trust. Everything they call a superfood really is. They are a trusted source of good information, they have a great website, and their products are a must-have in my kitchen. You might think they are pricey, which they are, but given the small amounts of each superfood you need, the products go a long way. It's worth the investment, believe me.

The superfoods used in this recipe are cacao powder and paste, goji berries, lacuma and maca powders, Irish moss and/or chia seed, flaxseed,  hemp seed, sesame seeds, and green powders. What did I tell you? Chock-full of good stuff.

I almost hesitate to post a pic because the color of the smoothie might not entice you, but I hope you'll try it for the life-force it contains. I just ate half of mine, and I feel better already. In fact, it is so rich in power I could only eat half. I'll have the rest after my dance class. And I'm looking forward to it.

1 c. filtered water
1/2 avocado (or 1 banana)
1/4 c. shredded coconut
1/4 c. sesame seeds
5 medjool dates
3 T. goji berries
2 T. vanilla creme (see meringue recipe for lemon meringue pie)
2 T. Navitas Naturals Cacao Paste shaved
2 small scoops of Amazing Foods Chocolate Green Superfood Powder
1 small scoop of The Amazing Trio Barley Grass, Wheat Grass, and Alfalfa Powder
1 T. hemp seeds
1 T. flax seeds
1 T. maca powder
1 T. lacuma
2 T. Irish moss paste ( or chia seeds)
1 T. cacao powder
1 tray ice cubes
(optional: agave to taste)

Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender, adding ice cubes slowly as you go. Serves two.

Use the optional agave if the taste of the green powders is too much for you, or use only one of the powders. I used both because they contained different greens, and I wanted them all. Green powders are strong, and you may need to build up a tolerance for them. Start small and work your way up.

Another Fennel and Grapefruit Recipe

This is a special post dedicated to my sister's husband, Randy, who died unexpectedly last week. I love my sister very much, and my heart goes out to her and her children, as well as to Randy's family. While I was home with my sister, she gave me a juicer that Randy intended to use to get his health on track. I used it immediately and made some fresh juice for her and her kids. She told me Randy loved fresh grapefruit juice, so this recipe is in his honor. Even though you may not know her or her children, please send them love and strength in this hard time. They can use all the love they can get.

 Anne, Emily, Spencer, and Mackenzie...I love you all. Here's a toast to Randy....

Fennel and Grapefruit Juice:

1/2 fennel
4 apricots with pits removed
1 grapefruit
1 handful parsley

Run all ingredients through a juicer. Serves 1/2.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Cream of Spinach Soup

I made this delicious soup to take on the run. I was going to a movie with a friend over the dinner hour, so I took it along in a mason jar. I shared it with my friend, who liked it very much. He said it packed a punch. I'd say that's true, but I think it's the lemon that made him say it. I love tart, so I used two lemons. Use one if you're not a fan.  This soup is thick, creamy, nutritious, and a lovely shade of green. Good food couldn't be easier.

Cream of Spinach Soup:

1 c. coconut milk
2 stalks celery
1 c. spinach leaves
1/2 avocado
2 T. almond butter
2 lemons
1 T. flax powder
1/2 t. garam masala
1/2 " piece of ginger
1/4 t. cumin
1/4 t. coconut amino acids
1 T. parsley
Sea Salt to taste

Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender. Garnish with parsley sprigs. Serves two.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Almond Butter Fudge

This is an almost constant fixture in my refrigerator. My go-to snack (and all too often quick meal) is apples and almond butter. Anyone who knows me has seen me eat this countless times. Sometimes for variety, I make this quick fudge out of the almond butter. I mix it up in the food processor, put it right back in the almond butter jar, and keep it on hand for a quick spread on apple slices. I've brought this fudge to my regular Saturday morning brunch with fellow dancers, and it's been a big hit. Yesterday I gave some to a friend at work, and she immediately wrote down the recipe. It always gets that kind of enthusiastic response, and it's so easy!  It's great to spread on toast or anything else you'd use almond butter on. Better than Nutella and much healthier.

Almond Butter Fudge:

1 16 oz. jar of raw almond butter
1 c. cacao powder
1/4 c. to 1/3 c. maple syrup
1 t. vanilla
pinch of sea salt

Blend all ingredients in a food processor.

This is my regular recipe, but today I used several drops of liquid vanilla stevia and three dates rather than maple syrup, which isn't raw. Still trying to cut down the processed sugars and opting for naturally occurring ones. It's great either way. Keep it on hand for a quick treat or quick spreadable. It's addicting.

Occasionally I also put in a hot pepper to give it an edge. Call it Mayan Almond Butter Fudge.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Iguana Juice

Ok, I'll confess this is not my juice recipe. I used to order this years ago, long before I became a raw foodist, at my local co-op's juice bar. They called it Iguana Juice, presumably because of the color, or maybe because of the lucinato kale looking like lizard skin. I don't really know, but I do know that this is absolutely, without a doubt, my all-time favorite juice combination. I don't know the proportions they used,  I only know the ingredients, so experiment with them yourself. I drink this regularly but never measure. It doesn't seem to matter. It's always great, and it's the one juice combination I never tire of. This juice may have been my gateway into raw food. Beware, it could be addicting.

Iguana Juice:

3-4  c. kale
3-4 apples
2-3  pears
1/4 c. lime juice
a big chunk of ginger

Run all ingredients through a juicer. Enjoy!

You can use all pears in this recipe. I think the original recipe was only pears, but I tend to have more apples on hand than pears so I've gravitated toward a combination. When I do have pears, I make sure to make this, but it works well with just apples, too. Use whatever combination you wish. 

Spicy Strawberry Smoothie

This smoothie is deliciously sweet and spicy at the same time. It looks a lot like some of the others, but the taste is completely its own. It's time to go grocery shopping, so I was working with what I had on hand. Sometimes I think I have no food in the house, and then I come up with something this good because it's what I had on hand. I call this a happy accident because I might not have thought of it if I wasn't limited in ingredients.

Spicy Strawberry Smoothie:

2 c. strawberries
1 c. orange juice
1 red bell pepper torn into pieces
1/4 c. cashews
2 medjool dates
1 red hot chili pepper
seeds from one vanilla bean

Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender. Serves 2.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Two Fresh Juices Featuring Pineapple

I tend to eat a lot lighter in the summer months. I love the ease of fresh juice and smoothies on a hot summer day. Probably the only other thing I feel like eating in heat is ice cream, and a gal can only do so much of that. So here are a couple of juices based on pineapple inspired by Meredith Baird, once again. Detoxing has never been so satisfying and delicious. My diet is clean anyway, but I feel indulgent eating the recipes from her detox book. The colors are beautiful, the flavors are layered, and the energy of the food is accessible. Her recipes are a great way to eat light, feel light, and live light.

Spicy Pineapple Orange Juice

Carrot Pineapple Juice
Spicy Pineapple Orange Juice:

1 c. pineapple
1 orange peeled
1/2 cilantro
1/2 small jalapeno

Run all ingredients through a juicer. Serves 1. Double amounts for two.

Carrot Pineapple Juice:

4 carrots
1 c. pineapple
1/2 t. tumeric

Run all ingredients through a juicer. Serves 1. Double amounts for two.

Cranberry Pomegrante Orange Ginger Smoothie

This smoothie is pretty simple in ingredients but packs a wallop of flavor. I was in the mood for a tart taste in a smoothie, so I came up with this. I love the color, the tartness of the cranberries with the sweetness of the orange, and the spice of the ginger. If tart isn't your thing, add a little more sweet (more dates or agave).

Cranberry Pomegranate Orange Ginger Smoothie:

1 c. fresh or frozen cranberries
1 1/2 c. fresh or frozen pomegranate seeds
2 large oranges
1 inch knob of ginger
3 medjool dates
(optional: agave to taste)

Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender. Garnish with orange slice and cranberries. Serves 2.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Curry Spinach Dip with Jicama Sticks

I needed a quick meal and wanted something crunchy. This light meal could easily be a snack or party appetizer. You could also just chop it all up into a salad. I was in the mood for finger food, so I made it this way. Just a quick, light, summer meal. Nothing fancy, but delightfully tasty and complete with carbs, protein, and healthy fats.

Curry Spinach Dip with Jicama Sticks:

For Dip:

3 c. fresh spinach
1 avocado peeled and pitted
1 lime peeled
2 T. olive oil
2 T. raw tahini
1 T. curry powder
1 red chili pepper
1/2 t. cumin
1 medjool date chopped
sea salt and pepper to taste

Process all ingredients in a high speed blender or food processor.

For Jicama Sticks:

1/2 large jicama
cayenne pepper

Cut jicama into sticks. Sprinkle cayenne pepper over the jicama sticks.

For assembly: Line a plate with any kind of lettuce leaves. I used a mix of red and green Bibb lettuce. Place the jicama sticks around the edges of the plate. Scoop the spinach dip into the center of the plate over the inside edges of the jicama sticks.

Option: You can also roll the jicama sticks into the lettuce leaves and place a few spoonfuls of dip in each roll up. I ate the sticks first with the dip and then used the remaining dip in the lettuce leaves. Of course, one of the many reasons I love raw food is that it is so tactile. A lot of it is finger food or food you can eat with your hands. I don't know what this says about me, but I love to hold food in my hands. A hands on experience, truly.

Fennel Grapefruit Smoothie

Another recipe inspired by Meredith Baird's interesting combination of ingredients. I modified this to suit me.

This recipe uses fennel, grapefruit and avocado as its base. Fennel is high in phytonutrients and antioxidants. It's good for many ailments, including use as an anti-inflammatory and relief from anemia, indigestion, flatulence, constipation, colic, diarrhea, respiratory disorders, and  menstrual disorders.

Grapefruit is well known as a great source of vitamin C,  but it also is a good source of vitamin A.
Additionally, pink and red grapefruit (but not white) contain lycopene, a carotenoid phytonutrient. Carotenoids provide yellow, orange, and red colors in fruits and vegetables and act as antioxidants in your body. This means they tackle harmful free radicals that damage tissues throughout your body. The particular carotenoid phytonutrient, lycopene, that is in grapefruit appears to have anti-tumor activity.

Avocado is a great source of potassium (better than bananas) and healthy fats.  They’re also very low in fructose and provide close to 20 essential health-boosting nutrients, including: fiber, vitamin E, B vitamins, and folic acid.

With that said, enjoy this nutrient rich smoothie and feel good about treating your body so well.

Fennel Grapefruit Smoothie:

1/2 bulb fennel cut into chunks
1 grapefruit
1 c. water
1 c. unsweetened coconut milk
3 medjool dates
1 avocado

Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender. Garnish, if desired, with a few mint leaves. Serves 1-2.