Monday, January 6, 2014

Cheesy Kale Crackers

This recipe was inspired by Susan Powers. I made a mistake while combining ingredients, so this recipe is my modified version. Turned out my happy accident added a roasted, hearty flavor to the crackers that I ended up liking. Next time I'll try her pure version to see which I like better, but I'm pretty happy with these.

Cheesy Kale Crackers:
1 c. flaxmeal
1 c. filtered water
 2 c. almond ground into flour
1 bunch lucinato kale chopped into small pieces ( I used the food processor to do this)
3/4 c. raw coconut flour
3-4 T. maca powder
6 T. nutritional yeast
1 chipotle pepper chopped/cut into pieces
1 t. paprika
Himalayan sea salt

Mix flax meal and water. Set aside. Mix the rest of the ingredients except kale in a food processor until a dough-like ball forms. Add flaxmeal and water to the almond mixture and mix by hand. Fold in kale by hand. Mix by hand until evenly distributed. Roll out onto two Teflex lined dehydrator sheets into rectangular shapes. Score into desired shapes. Dehydrate at 105 degrees for approximately 8-10 hours or until crisp.

I used half the dough to make a pizza crust. It held together very well. Feel free to try it.

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