Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Papaya Cantaloupe Juice

Bear with me while I post juice recipes from my emergency juicing after the storm. I made this one while still trying to save produce. I'm not a big fan of papaya alone, but I really like it in this juice. The cantaloupe mellows out the papaya. What I do like about papaya are the digestive enzymes in the fruit. It's been used to treat intestinal problems, including cancer and parasites. It's also great for the skin and has been used to treat acne and may have anti-aging properties.  Consider this an internal beauty and health treatment.

Papaya Cantaloupe Juice:

1 large papaya
2 cantaloupes
4-5 limes
1/4 c. mint leaves (thanks to my brother for giving me a plant while I was home)

Run all ingredients through the juicer. You can also add sparkling water to this juice for a nice summer drink.

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