Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Cream of Mushroom Soup

I was in a hurry, with a long day ahead of me. I had a dance class, a dance rehearsal, and a long shift at work to get through but didn't have enough time to make food. So I threw some vegetables in a blender and made this soup to drink throughout the day. I have to admit, it took me a few years to appreciate raw soups. I love a hot, hot soup on a cold day. But as I've continued on the raw path, I've come to appreciate a cold soup on a hot day. And I love the ease of making them. They are a nice alternative to a sweet smoothie when I'm in a rush but still want lots of nutritional value in what I consume. Why is it that when we are rushed, we are tempted to make poor food choices? Raw soups have helped me with this conundrum. No need to equate fast food with poor food. Throw it in a blender and go. Your body will thank you.

 Cream of Mushroom Soup:

2 T. almond butter
1 c. water
3 stalks celery
1 1/2 c. mushrooms
1 T. tahini
3 T. chives or scallions
1 T. chickpea miso
1 T. coconut aminos or Bragg's amino acids
1/4 t. turmeric
1/4 t. curry
Pepper to taste
Parsley for garnish

Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender except parsley. Add the parsley as a garnish.

Note: if you blend this soup long enough, the heat of the blender will warm the soup but not at a high enough heat to destroy the enzymes of the food. This is a way to get a warm soup that might be easier to swallow until you adjust to soup being cold. It is especially good for this soup. Mushroom soups taste better warmed up a bit.

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