Sunday, April 14, 2013

Welcome to my Be Rawsome blog! This blog will be devoted to good, pure food. I love to make food and am a raw food enthusiast. I also love to read about good food, good soil, and growing food. I'll note books I've read, authors I like, cookbooks I rely on, and documentaries relating to food, soil, and sustainability. I'll also post recipes of the food I'm making on any given day. I'll highlight other raw food cooks I follow and why I love them. And I'll post pictures of the food I make and the dinner parties I hold. I do consider myself a raw foodist, but I also make exceptions for social engagements. My kitchen is raw, but since my friends aren't, sometimes in order to share a meal I eat cooked whole food. Everything within reason, I guess. I hope you find something here worth reading.

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