Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Peanut Butter Chocolate Fudge

Ok, I know that peanut butter isn't raw, but after I made the white chocolate pecan fudge, I agreed with Heather Pace that peanut butter would be great in the recipe. So I went out and bought some because it's not something I keep on hand. I meant to make her version, but I couldn't get online to see the recipe. Instead I made this super simple version which tastes like a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. I have to admit, I wasn't trying hard, so the end product wasn't as pretty as if I had been trying, but the taste was so good that I had to post it anyway. It also uses maple syrup, which is not raw either. So for the purists, this recipe may not be for you, but you could amp up the rawness by adding lacuma powder, maca powder or any other superfood powder. For the novice raw eaters or the part raw eaters, give it a try.

 Peanut Butter Chocolate Fudge: 
1 c. organic peanut butter
1/2 c. softened coconut butter
3 T. maple syrup
2 t. vanilla

Blend all ingredients in a small food processor. Spoon into silicone molds or a shallow pan.  Set aside.

Chocolate Topping:
2 T. softened coconut butter
2 T. Navitas Naturals Cacao Paste shaved into pieces
1 T. maple syrup

Put all ingredients into a small bowl. Place that bowl in your dehydrator until the chocolate is soft enough to whisk. Whisk ingredients until you have a thick chocolate sauce. Spoon some chocolate onto each piece of fudge. When finished with the chocolate, place the fudge trays in the freezer until hardened. This shouldn't take very long, maybe about thirty minutes.  Pop fudge out of the trays. If using a shallow pan, cut pieces and remove them from the pan.

I'm keeping mine in the freezer so they'll last. One little bite after dinner is just enough to make me feel like I've had my dessert.

Note: Since this recipe isn't raw, you could also melt the chocolate in a double boiler method. If you don't have a double boiler, just put the ingredients into a small saucepan. Then place that saucepan in another larger saucepan that contains some water. Place the larger saucepan containing the smaller saucepan on the stovetop at the lowest heat. Whisk as chocolate is melting until all ingredients are well incorporated.  Follow recipe directions from here.

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