Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Brazil Nut Truffles

I went to visit a friend who had taken a bad fall and needed something to bring along that was quick and easy. I didn't have a lot of time to fuss. These little truffles, along with some of the previously posted peanut butter cups, did the trick. They look kind of fancy but take no dehydration time and very little fridge time. The blender does all the work, but you get all the credit.

Brazil Nut Truffles:
2 c. raw Brazil nuts soaked for two hours and drained*
4 T. sesame oil
1/3 c. liquified coconut oil (softened to oil)
4 medjool dates
2 T. agave
2 t. vanilla
1/4 t. sea salt
1 c. raw cashews ground to flour

Blend all ingredients except cashew flour in a Vitamix. You'll need to use your tamper to get them processed into something resembling a nut butter. Scrape the mix into a bowl and fold in cashew flour. The cashew flour will give the truffles a little body. Refrigerate the mixture for about an hour. Roll into balls of any size you wish. Mine were about one inch. Place truffles on a silicone tray or a shallow pan.

Chocolate Sauce:
1/4 c. liquified coconut oil
1/2 c. raw cacao powder
1 t. vanilla
2 T. coconut nectar
pinch of sea salt

 Whisk ingredients together until you have a smooth, silky chocolate sauce. Pour sauce into a bottle with a cone lid (like those bear shaped bottles your honey used to come in or like the mustard and ketchup bottles found in restaurants). Alternately you can use a sandwich sized Ziploc bag, cutting a small corner off the bottom of the bag (simulating a pastry bag).  Squeeze the chocolate into squiggle lines on each truffle. Place in the refrigerator or freezer once again to firm up chocolate, approximately 15 minutes. Then take them to a friend's house, have a cup of tea, and make each other laugh.  Keep any extra truffles in the fridge or freezer.

*You can skip soaking the nuts if you are in a hurry, but Brazil nuts are hard and soaking makes them easier to blend.

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