Friday, November 29, 2013

Blueberry Pancakes

I've wanted to try this Matthew Kenney recipe for a long time but haven't because I can't eat bananas. Having friends over was a perfect excuse to finally try it. Of course, I had to send the leftovers home with my guests, but it was worth it. So while I can't testify to their deliciousness, I feel confident in saying they must have been good because I had ready takers.  I can say the pancakes were fluffy as a pancake should be.

Note: The idea is Matthew Kenney's, but I made adjustments to his recipe. This recipe is my altered version.

Blueberry Pancakes:
2 ripe bananas
2 c. soaked and drained pecans
2 c. soaked and drained pinenuts
1 c. filtered water
1/2 c. agave
1 T. vanilla
1 t. sea salt
1/2 c. organic wild blueberries for the pancake mix
1 c. organic wild blueberries reserved for topping pancakes

Add all ingredients except the blueberries to a Vitamix blender and blend until smooth. Pour the batter into another bowl and add blueberries. (Note: I used small wild blueberries, but you can use the regular sized ones just as easily.)  Spoon onto Teflex sheet in whatever size pancakes you want. Pancakes can be wide but should be no taller than 1/2 inch. Dehydrate at 105 degrees for 24 to 48 hours. The pancakes should be pliable and peel off the sheets.

Serving: Warm maple syrup in the dehydrator towards the end of the dehydrating time for the pancakes. I put it in the dehydrator for about an hour prior to serving. Serve pancakes with syrup and top with fresh blueberries.

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