Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Apple Turnovers with Fruit Filling

These turnovers were so easy to make and so delicious to eat. Considering many of the dishes I served at my brunch had nuts in them and were on the heavy side, the lightness of these delights created a great balance. One friend said her teen age son would even eat them because they reminded her of fruit leathers. Of course, I think they are so much better than that, but if her son would eat them, I think that's a pretty great compliment. The turnover recipe is adapted from Matthew Kenney and has a different filling than his recipe.  Check his recipe out in Everyday Raw Desserts. I know I'll make the pastry part of these often because I can see many uses for them. They aren't really so different from the crepe recipes that will show up soon, but I think the folded turnover presentation makes them a fun alternative. I hope you like them.


2 c. chopped apples
1/2 c. agave nectar 
1/2 c. water
2 T. olive oil
1 t. cinnamon
1 t. salt
3/4 flax meal

Blend apples, agave, water and oil in a Vitamix until mixture is an applesauce texture. Add the salt and flax meal and blend until the mixture is a doughy consistency. Spread the mixture thinly in 7-8" circles on Teflex lined dehydrator sheets. You can also use parchment paper on the dehydrator trays if you don't have Teflex.  Dehydrate at 105 degrees for approximately 6 hours or until pastry is pliable and can be peeled from the lining. 

Serving: Fold turnover in half and then half again. You will have two pockets within each turnover to fill with fruit of your choice.  

You can also spread a chocolate sauce or caramel sauce on the turnover prior to the filling for an added flavor.  Since I had leftover pastry after the party,  I used the leftover caramel sauce from the cinnamon rolls and then added fruit. It was jaw dropping good. I was happy eating them this way for three days.

Note: Matthew Kenney's recipe uses a dehydrated blueberry filling that I would have made except my dehydrator broke the morning I was to make the filling. His filling would be easier to eat without making a mess, but I love messy food, so I don't mind the berries falling out as I take a bite. If you're a tidy eater, definitely check out his recipe. Once my new dehydrator comes, I'll be making these again and doing it his way


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