Saturday, March 8, 2014

Abbottsford Convent Farmer's Market in Melbourne

I spent a great day wandering Saturday farmer's markets and artist's markets in Melbourne.  My favorite farmer's market was at the Abbottsford Convent, which is no longer a convent but is now used by art organizations.  My best find was a big container of plump, ripe figs. These were perhaps the best I have ever had, and I've eaten a lot of fresh figs. Absolutely perfect.  Even the figs I lived on for a month in Greece (that I picked fresh every day) weren't as good as these.  Honestly, these were divine.

I also found some other beautiful stalls, my favorite being the Hi-Fye pistachio stall. There I discovered almost a dozen varieties of raw pistachios. It's usually pretty hard to find one kind of raw pistachio, let alone a variety. This discovery delighted me. I also talked to an interesting vendor of organic honey. We had a nice discussion about how they make their raw honey. Talking to vendors directly about their passion and where it meets mine is my favorite thing about these public markets. The people watching is pretty good too. I love seeing people riding in on their bikes with their baskets ready to be filled, or people carrying their totes anticipating this week's find. Farmer's markets are one of the few places left that feel like community, and I love being in the energy of this feeling.

 Here are some pics of beautifully displayed organic produce because, to me, it looks as lovely as any piece of art. I am blissfully happy when walking farmer's markets. Such a simple thing, but I am always so grateful to be among other people who share a love of good, pure food and who work really hard to provide it to the rest of us. 

The tub was twice this size to start.

How perfect is that?

Thank you, Ian and Glennis Haw!
 certified organic greens

more organic produce

Hi-Fye Pistachios--these are different raw varieties

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