Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Raspberry Linzer Cookies

I made this variation of a Linzer cookie, originally called Linzertorte and hailing from Austria, based off a recipe by Matthew Kenney. Linzer cookies are traditionally two blanched almond cookies with a layer of black currant jam in between. The cookies usually have a cutout on the top layer so you can see the jam beneath. The ones I made use a raspberry jam because it's my favorite flavor. Mine are really big because the cutout I had was large. Truth be told, most of my kitchen equipment is currently packed in my garage while my house is on the market, so I didn't have access to my smaller cookie cutters. So these are bigger than usual and have an angel shape cutout. The nice thing about the angel cutout is that the cutouts became their own little bite-size cookies. So cute! The cookies are also traditionally dusted with a bit of flour, which, honestly, I just forgot to do. So I'll tell you to do what I didn't do, but it doesn't matter in taste. These little (well, big) nuggets made me a bit nostalgic, as cookies often do. Who takes the time to make real homemade cookies anymore? I guess I do, and I hope you will, too.

Raspberry Linzer Cookies: 

3 c. almonds ground into flour
1 c. coconut flour plus 1/2 c. coconut flour to be set aside and used for dusting
3/4 c. agave
2 T. lemon zest
2 T. coconut oil in liquid form
1 T. vanilla seeds scraped from beans (I use Ojio wildcrafted vanilla because the scraping has been done for you)
pinch of sea salt

Mix the almond and coconut flours until well combined. Add the remaining ingredients and process the dough in a food processor using the "dough" button, if you have this option.Otherwise pulse the dough until it forms a ball.

Roll out the dough onto a Teflex sheet. Place another Teflex sheet (or parchment paper) over the dough and roll the dough evenly with a rolling pin. You can also smooth the dough with your hands if you don't have a rolling pin. The goal is to get the dough as smooth  and thin as possible without it falling apart.  As the dough rolls out, you'll find you have more than what can fit on one Teflex sheet. Take the extra, ball it up and repeat the above process on another Teflex sheet. I ended up with three sheets full of cookie cutouts.

Using a cookie cutter (preferably a Linzer cookie cutter with fluted edges but any will do) cut into shapes. Divide the cookies in half. One half of the cookies will have cutouts. You can either use a smaller cookie cutter to do the cutouts or cut small circles into each cookie. You should have an equal number of cookies with cutouts and without. If your cutout shape was done with a cookie cutter, keep those shapes because they'll make their own little cookies. Place the Teflex sheets containing the cookies  (and cutouts) onto dehydrator trays. Dehydrate the cookies at 105 degrees for about 10 to 12 hours, flipping about halfway and removing the Teflex at this point. Cookies should be crisp but hold together.


3/4 c. raspberries
4 dates
1 T. lemon juice
1 T. chia seeds
1 t. vanilla
pinch of sea salt

Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender until smooth. Place in the dehydrator for about 2 hours until jam becomes slightly thick but still pliable.


Spread about 1 T. of jam on a cookie without a cutout and top with a cookie with a cutout. Repeat until all cookies are paired with jam in the middle.

Dust each Linzer cookie with coconut flour. Voila. Enjoy with a warm cup of tea and think fondly of Grandma.

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